The Endodontic Group is proud to offer a revolutionary alternative to the standard root canal treatment. The GentleWave® Procedure allows us to achieve our goal to effectively clean a tooth’s entire root canal system, no matter how complex.
What’s more, the GentleWave® Procedure ensures less downtime and discomfort – a single-visit treatment2 and faster recovery2 is surely something to smile about!
Our endodontists are fully certified in the use of the GentleWave® System and will gladly answer any questions you may have about this exciting new technology.
Cone Beam CT provides a digital tomographic 3D view of the patient’s area of interest. A traditional x-ray is only two-dimensional. With Cone Beam systems the doctor is able to get a full 360 degree view of the tooth and all surrounding areas. The 3D Cone Beam scanner provides nearly limitless views of the teeth while using less radiation than traditional medical CT technology. This new technology is fast, simple and painless, providing many wonderful benefits that were unavailable only a few years ago.
Waterlase lasers can effectively fight endodontic infection and can perform root canal disinfection and cleaning. Using patented radial firing tips to deliver laser energy in a 360-degree cone within the canal, Waterlase can have a dramatic, positive impact on clinical outcomes for endodontics. In specific cases Waterlase lasers have shown to reduce the risk of reinfection. It has been shown to be effective on the most resistant bacteria and helps to remove smear layers and biofilms.
The use of specialized operating microscopes means that the doctor is able to get a detailed look at the work they are doing during all phases of your endodontic treatment. The additional magnification and illumination allow them to work with great precision and see small details such as calcified canals and fractures. The Endodontist is able to more accurately diagnose and treat the patient using a dental surgical microscope to improve the potential outcome of the treatment from “good” to “excellent”. Further, some microscopes may be equipped with high resolution video and digital photography allowing the doctor to enhance patient communication and document treatment.
- Access refinement, finding calcified canals, and removal of attached pulp stones.
- Removal of intracanal obstructions (separated instruments, root canal posts, silver points, and fractured metallic posts).
- Increased action of irrigating solutions.
- Ultrasonic condensation of gutta-percha.
- Placement of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).
- Root canal preparation.
- Surgical endodontics: Root-end cavity preparation and refinement and placement of root-end obturation material.